Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Take... 3?

Oh Internet,

Remember when I said I was bad at keeping up this blog? I think now you believe me. Looking back, I see it's been more than 8 months since my last post; I also see I have a tendency to address the Internet in apostrophe.  Sorry, I'll try to work on that.

So, where to start?  Tonight is Thanksgiving Eve, and tomorrow is one of my favorite holidays of the year.  Some of you may know that I was born on Thanksgiving, so to me it's a holiday with family, togetherness, a big fat meal, and I get presents.  In a word, it's turiffic (I meant that as a turkey pun, man I'm rusty).  This year, my birthday falls a mere 3 days after T-day, and I'm turning the big 2-5.  I'd be lying if I said I wasn't nervous about it, but I'm mostly looking forward to it.  The fear:excitement ratio is about on par with a roller coaster ramp-up.  I do like roller coasters, but the time in line beforehand is a-gon-y.

This is the time of year where most people reflect on what they're thankful for in their lives. I'm of course thankful for the wonderful people, the friends and family in my life, but I would hope that I show that all year round.  And if I don't, then I'm thankful that these people let me hang around anyway.  For whatever apprehension I have about turning 25, I'm looking forward to spending the next few days with the people I care about.
