Wednesday, February 3, 2010

I'm a quitter, how do you like me now?

Today at 4pm marked 24 hours of yours truly being cigarette-free! 

Granted, 24 hours is not very long, especially since I was asleep for about 7 of them, but it's the longest I've gone without smoking for 5 years.  And when you consider that I didn't have my usual leaving-work cigarette, my just-woke-up cigarette, or my smoke-break-with-Jerry cigarette, I think I'm doing alright!  And if I can quit smoking, then I don't have to stress about how I'll survive long meetings, feel like a jerk when I pass kids on the street, or worry about looking like this when I'm 30.

So, any advice?  My plan so far includes taking Chantix, and probably annoying the good folks at 1-800-QUIT-NOW ("I don't need to smoke, but I want to smoke, wahhh").  But any other tips are welcome!


Amul said...

get invisalign, that will basically force a person to quit :)

Unknown said...

I'm scared... does this mean I have to quit too?

Unknown said...

avoid your smoking "situations" if you can. in other words, take a 3-day shower.

David M said...

1) Avoid your normal smoking situations.
2) You CAN NOT let access to cigarettes control whether or not you smoke. You are ALWAYS going to have access so you have to not smoke even though cigarettes are available.
3) Think of it as climbing a very high mountain, one step at a time. You can get there and each small step is not that hard. But ONE PUFF and you are instantly transported back to the bottom of the mountain.

Rachael Wordhouse-Dykema said...

Get an electronic cigarette to help with the oral fixation!

I'm not trying to quit, but I got one for fun and went from smoking a few cigarettes a day to smoking less than 5 in the last 3 months.

Unknown said...

Good for you! How is it going?